Indoor Infant and Toddler Garden facility for under 4’s and their parents

We are thrilled to welcome under 4's and their adults to our free to use indoor area

Kids can explore the wall toys, play with our giant duck and build forts with our soft play elements in our Indoor Infant and Toddler garden.

This space is exclusively for children under school age as we acknowledge that many of them have been very isolated through Covid-19 with facilities being closed.

Feel free to bring your own food and beverages and spend some time playing in this are with your children.

Some guidelines:

  • We regret, no pets
  • Please leave pushchairs parked around the outside of the fence as this helps us keep little ones safe
  • There is a water machine nearby for refilling your own bottles
  • Please use the bins provided for any waste
  • Please remain with your children and keep them supervised at all times.
  • Please don’t stack the seating blocks as they could fall and injure a child
  • If you spill or mess anything in the area which you cannot clean up, please let security or the cleaners know and they will quickly deal with it to ensure other safety.
  • Please don’t consume nuts in the are just for the safety of those with severe allergies.
  • Have fun!